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Cosmetic Dermatology

Ohio Dermatology Center

Dermatology located in New Albany, OH

Ohio Dermatology Center offers a variety of cosmetic dermatology services. From dermal fillers and neuromodulators like to body shaping and cellulite reduction, you can enhance and transform your face and body at two locations in New Albany, Ohio. Fellowship-trained dermatologists Larisa Ravitskiy, MD, and her talented team are here to help you love the way you look. Call the office nearest you or use online scheduling to book an appointment.

Cosmetic Dermatology

What is cosmetic dermatology?

Cosmetic dermatology treatments can enhance your face and body without surgery. Ohio Dermatology Center offers the latest in cosmetic dermatology treatments for the face and body. 


Neuromodulator injectables slow down muscle movement in specific areas. This, in turn, minimizes lines and wrinkles around your eyes (crow’s feet), between your eyebrows, and in your forehead area. Ohio Dermatology Center offers the three leading neuromodulators: Dysport®, and Xeomin®. Dr. Ravinsky and her trained staff will select the ideal product for you.


Dermal fillers, which include products in the Juvéderm® and Restylane® lines, increase the volume in select areas of your face. Popular treatment areas for fillers include the nasolabial folds (smile lines), undereyes, cheeks, and lips. Fillers offer immediate results. ust like neuromodulators, fillers wear off over time. Depending on the exact filler, your dermal fillers can last for 6-24 months.


Kybella injections treats stubborn fat under the chin that won’t go away. This non-surgical technique uses deoxycholic acid — a synthetic material similar to one our bodies make, to destroy fat cells giving patients a slimmer facial profile. Say Goodbye to your double chin today! Number of vials varies per patient. 

Cosmetic Keloid Injection

Dr. Ravenski can inject a corticosteroid solution directly into a hypertrophic scar or keloid, which may help reduce its size. Steroids break the bonds between collagen fibers, which reduces the amount of scar tissue beneath the skin. Steroids also have powerful anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce swelling, redness, itching, or tenderness.

Steroid injections are usually administered after a scar has healed. If you have a history of hypertrophic scars or keloids and require surgery, a doctor may inject steroids into the area before surgery begins. If a hypertrophic scar or keloid develops after surgery, we recommend getting steroid injections every four to six weeks, limiting the total number of injections to five. The procedure takes about 15 minutes, and no anesthesia is required.


MiraDry targets the underarm sweat and odor glands to eliminate them in as little as an hour and SINGLE treatment. You’ll receive a topical anesthetic to numb your underarms before treatment for complete comfort. Dr. Ravitskiy tailors the treatment by selecting a specific template for your underarm size and shape. If you’re always worried about underarm stains, dampness, and odor, MiraDry could be right for you.

PRP for hair loss

The earlier, the better is the rule when it comes to seeking diagnosis and treatment for hair loss. If you notice that your part seems wider, that your brush contains more hair than before, that your ponytail seems thinner, or any other possible signs of hair loss, don’t wait to get help. PRP is a treatment that uses your own blood platelets to help rejuvenate damaged or inactive hair follicles. The PRP infuses your hair follicles with concentrated healing substances that encourage a return to normal, healthy, and strong hair. Dr. Ravitskiy may administer PRP through a thin needle of many injections. A series of 3-6 PRP treatments spaced 4 weeks apart usually give you the best results.

Laser Treatments

Laser treatments use light energy to bring on positive changes in your face and body, without surgery. This type of non-invasive treatment helps stimulate your body’s internal reparative and regenerative processes, ultimately giving you a younger, clearer, smoother, and tighter face and body. Ohio Dermatology Center offers Laser hair removal, CO2 laser treatments, pulsed-dye laser treatments, and intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments.

CO2 laser treatments

CO2 laser treatments with the CO2RE® target your uppermost and deeper skin layers to safely and gently resurface your face. This treatment starts a gradual natural exfoliation that takes around 7-10 days.

There’s little-to-no downtime. This treatment is ideal for people who are in their 30s and older. The typical problems of aging skin, including age spots, fine lines, rough patches, and tired-looking skin, can all fade away with CO2 laser treatments.

Pulsed-dye Laser Teatments

With the Vbeam Perfecta® are a fast, safe, and easy solution for skin discoloration, namely vascular lesions from rosacea, pigmented lesions like age spots, and some types of non-pigmented lesions. Many people also enjoy skin tightening after their pulsed-dye laser treatment. A pulsed-dye laser treatment requires no downtime, and you can start to see benefits almost right away. You may need a series of treatments, with a month in between sessions, for maximum benefits.

IPL Treatments

With the elōs Plus® IPL correct discoloration, including age spots and facial redness. It gently targets skin discoloration while expelling reduced optical energy. This makes it a safe, gentle, and reliable solution for any skin type.

Laser Hair Removal Treatments

Is a gentle, safe, and effective way to remove unwanted hair for both men and women without damaging the skin. This procedure uses an intense, pulsating beam of light to remove that unwanted hair. You’ll be left with smooth skin, free of hair, bumps, stubble, and irritation.


Live your life unfiltered with Ohio Dermatology Center.
Call (614)-585-9900 today to schedule with one of our trusted professionals.